Our Process

Partner with us to focus on your core work, make more and amplify your impact.





Our Framework

It's our goal to simplify the process of creating an online course. That's why we've developed a simple 3 step framework: Make, Market, Manage.

The 'making' stage as you might expect is initially the most time consuming part. But that's why we're here to help.

We can break this stage down into a further 3 stages: Pre-production, Production and Post-production. 


Pre-production starts with us getting to know you, your business and your audience. This is where the idea for your course begins to form. We'll make a plan from start to finish, even testing the idea with your audience.

Once we've come up with the idea we can then work out the relevant benchmarks, schedule, product outline and marketing approach.


Now that we have our plan together it's time to film your course! It's also during this stage that we'll be editing the videos, going through any rounds of revisions, constructing the course on our chosen platform, as well as starting to build some sales pages.

Post-production is where we finalise the course, configure a customer journey through our sales process, invite some founding members to test it out and open the doors for sales!


The marketing stage involves building and engaging your audience online. We'll help you craft your messaging, a free offer to grow your audience, build your customer journey and a strategy to launch and start making money for your business.


Once your new product is out there in the world, it's time to think about what sort of upkeep is required. Will your users need ongoing coaching, will your course content need updated regularly and do our marketing and sales strategies need to be revised? This is the stage where we take care of all of that.


How to get started

1. Schedule a call

Let's meet to discuss so that we can get to know you, your business and your audience a bit better.

We'll walk you through our pre-production workflow so that we can best map our your course.

2. Make your course

Based on our pre-production plans we'll film and edit your entire course.

This stage includes testing the product, creating sales pages and creating a marketing plan.

3. Watch your impact grow

Your course is now live and you're reaching new heights and impacting more people than ever.

We'll agree a timeline for revising the product to keep it up to date, be on hand to guide customers though the product and consult on the marketing strategy.